The Board of Directors manages The Voice Inc. organization, consisting of 13 members plus the Founder. 

The directors are elected from the 72 Core members at the annual Solemn Assembly meeting. They must be people immersed in the IESSP curriculum and willing to lead and mentor others. Except for the Founder, who is a life member, each director shall serve a term of 3 years or until a successor has been elected and qualified. 

The Board of Directors meets monthly on the last Saturdays of the month in person or via Zoom. 

A quorum will comprise a simple majority (51%) of the Board of Directors. A quorum of the Board must be present to conduct a business. The Board receives and votes on progress reports, members’ welfare, resources request, financial reports, and prayer requests of all programs, outreaches, ministries, and members during the monthly meetings. 

Vulnerability is a blessing (2)

Canon Felix Adeoye

Vulnerability simply means Openness, It will be foolish to go around the street and tell every Tom, Dick and harry about yourself, but there are people planted around your life who are there to help You. Like Your Spouse, Parent, trusted Friends, Godly Pastors and God fearing Counselors. Vulnerability is what you need to get what you need 

Board members make a significant financial contribution every month as agreed upon by the Board. Directors serve without compensation except that they are allowed reasonable advancement or reimbursement of expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.

Please fill out the form below if you feel called to serve on our Board of Directors. You can also share your insight, recommendations, or feedback.
