Modeled after the school IEP (Individualized Educational Plan) curriculum and Inspired by the poem They Are Singing Your Song, Rev. Moses Sowale crafted the IESSP curriculum based on the experiences gained in working with his two boys, Ephraim and Enoch. The IESSP (Identity, Educational, Spiritual and Social Plan) is designed to help individuals claim their unique identity, discover their educational learning styles, find their unique connection with God and be reconciled to their unique person or community of belonging. Rev. Moses is the founder of The Voice Incorporated, The Brigade Youth Program Brockton , The Abigail’s Women Project, and the pioneer priest of Grace Chapel Episcopal/Anglican Ministry in Brockton Massachusetts. This curriculum is a direct product of his over twenty-five years experience in working with young people, women, men and their families. The curriculum will be used in the context of one-on-one life coaching and pastoral care and counseling. The overall goal of the curriculum is to help users to remember and claim who they are in all of their beauty and blemishes, and will encourage them to maximize all of their potentials through strategic planning and accountability.