Within the diversity of The Voice, there are plenty of ways to become involved. One of these ways is to become a member of The Voice. Being a member simply means becoming an essential part of the community and joining us in sharing new experiences together. 

Have you heard about The Voice?

The Voice members include all persons who believe in the tenets and the mission of The Voice as expressed in The 12 Principles of Christ and have duly registered their intention on The Voice Website.  

We look forward to welcoming you as part of The Voice Family. Please register below:

Global Family

Join TVF to participate in our global programs and voice your interests on our platforms.

72 Core Members

The Voice has 72 Core members with voice and votes in every decision. Obligations are required for admission to the 72 Core.


Our team grows stronger when more and more people chose to volunteer and serve The Voice. Please click on the button below to volunteer in our programs

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors manages The Voice Inc. organization, consisting of 13 members plus the Founder. 

Advisory Board

The Voice Advisory Board includes Christian philanthropists, entrepreneurs, and professionals who support The Voice's mission and vision.