The Pathway To Wholeness is a well-thought-out series of discussions and prayers that is programmed to lead people from chaos to healing and wholeness. Hosted on Zoom on the third Saturdays PTW will be livestream on social media handles.

The Pathway to Wholeness is open to the global community and will engage children, women, and men of all ages and statuses. 

Featuring seasoned Christian facilitators and speakers from varied fields of life, the Pathways to Wholeness will help you to claim your unique identity, maximize your inner potentials, awaken your love for God and enhance your relationships with people

focus for the month


Brene Brown | The Power of vulnerability

While vulnerability is often associated with risk or weakness, it can also be viewed as a blessing. Embracing vulnerability allows us to form genuine connections with others on a deeper level. It opens the door to empathy, understanding, and personal growth.

We are excited to offer this workshop every third Saturday from 3 pm to 4.30 pm Eastern Time.

Our workshop is designed to engage in conversations around the ideals versus the reality of life on different day-to-day issues using the IESSP curriculum. The IESSP (Identity, Educational, Spiritual, and Social Plan) is designed to help individuals claim their unique identity, discover their educational learning styles, find their unique connection with God, and be reconciled to their unique person or community of belonging.

During our workshop, you will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities and exercises that will help you explore your identity, educational and career, spiritual connection, and social belonging. You will also have the chance to connect with other like-minded individuals who are on a similar journey to wholeness.

We encourage you to come with an open mind and a willingness to learn and grow. Whether you are just starting on your journey to wholeness or are looking for new tools and resources to enhance your current practices, our workshop is the perfect place for you.

To register for our online classes, simply visit our website – and sign up for our Premium Membership. This will give you access to all of our workshops, including The Pathway to Wholeness Workshop, as well as other exclusive content and resources.

We look forward to seeing you at our next workshop and helping you on your journey to wholeness!