Since 1994, The Voice has been serving as a companion, providing a welcoming environment and supporting individuals on their journey to fulfilling purpose. Here we will share some of the testimonials from people who have experienced and been a part of The Voice.


21 Responses

  1. As a youth finding purpose in life, the voice was a fertile ground for me, an enabling environment to do just that in the right way. The library was full of resources to enrich my spiritual life . Revd Moses was always pushing me ahead, giving tasks that I would not have performed all by myself. It boosted my confidence and self esteem. Much more than that, I learnt how to embrace all around me, showing the love of Christ not just to people who think and act like me but to all no matter who they are.

    1. Oluwatobi, it has been a joy to know you and to watch your progress into a mature and wise woman of God. I am blessed to have journeyed with you. Remain blessed and rapturable.

  2. Relating with Rev Moses has been a wonderful experience. He is a father figure, accommodating, friendly. He is a mentor. The voice has provided me a platform to nurture my God given gift of writing (in Nigeria).
    Rev Moses has imbedded in me a principle which has carried me through life: Whatever you do, do it well….
    The voice is s place to be, Rev Moses is a visioner and generation builder.

    1. I will forever be grateful to God for making our paths to cross Rev’d Dr. Sowale. Knowing you has been a blessing from the very beginning to now. Thank you for allowing God to use you for Having s purpose on earth. Thank you for being a destiny helper to us. Thank you for being kind , loving and accommodating sir. May you never be put to shame at every point of your life. The Voice will surely be heard the more all over the globe in Jesus name.

    2. The Voice has been a blessing for me and people around me. During the Corona Virus Pandemic, the ministry came on board to give financial assistance to some rural evangelists in my administrative zone. Thanks be to God for being part of this great vision.
      My family was financially aided during our trying period.
      The prayer chain is helping me to get involved more in global issue beyond my locality.

      In the next five to ten years, the vision through the grace of God will reach millions of souls for greater impact.

  3. My name is Oluwatoyin. But he calls me Oluwatunmise, and he has made me love and appreciate this my other name. When I met The Revd Moses Sowale (The Voice), at first, I was scared and curious when he started interrogating and questioning me (not knowing that GOD has a purpose for me and that God was using that to dig deep into who I am)and I decided to run away from this mysterious man? but he pulled me back. I am glad I didn’t miss the opportunity of getting to know him deeper. I would have missed what I know today… Before my encounter with him, I really didn’t know who I was/ what I carried inside of me(my personality). I allowed people’s perception becloud who I was. I always pleased people while surpressing my being and hurting myself. Couldn’t really make plans and stick to it..but that is changing now. Now I’m loving myself the more, not afraid to lose friends, and I make better plans now.

  4. I have known Reverend since my high school years. He has been my mentor since then, through college, graduate studies and even now as a wife and mother. He will listen every time. He is a father and a spiritual leader and he will always speak the truth with love and lend a shoulder to lean on. Thank you sir for everything.

  5. There is more I can express than say about my encounter with ‘The voice’ and this awesome man Revd. Moses. The fact that he made me sit down and look into my inner self to search for the real me was an amazing experience and in fact, writing my statement of purpose has been an achievement to me and I’ll forever be grateful. To me he’s a lot; a father-figure, mentor,a friend and then my uncle. The voice has taught me a lot about love: loving myslef, others and being unapologetic about who I truly am.
    It is truly a redeeming platform

  6. Meeting Reverend Sowale is a great lifetime blessing and privilege I will always be grateful to God for. He has been my source of inspiration & motivation. Fulfilling God’s purpose is his passion. He ensured all around him are keyed into answering God’s call and purpose for existence. He is happy and fulfilled when you are enjoying God’s divine presence. The love of God shed abroad in his heart drawing all around him closer to God,giving hope to the hopeless and the less privileged. He is a blessing to this generation.

  7. Rev’d Dr. Sowale, hmmm I call him my daddy and he’s got some enviable character to be so called. He gave me a push when I saw no hope, he encouraged me to take some steps am still thanking God for today. Always checking up on me to know how am doing as a wife and mother, I see his passion for the family as a reason for the ministry of The Voice, I ‘ve been truly blessed by this life changing ministry.

  8. Rev. Moses is man I have known for more than 13 years now. He is a man that has stayed faithful and consistent to his calling and purpose, resilient and persistent. Never looks at anything as impossible. Your lifestyle has inspired and motivated me as a friend and a brother and made me a better man, husband and father. Keep the torch burning, you are light to many lives. God bless you.

  9. Working with Rev. Moses has been such a positive journey for me at a time in my life when things have been moving fast and time has been very limited. There was a project I wanted to have completed and he helped me bring the vision to life with his knowledge, accountability, and compassion for my work. He helped me believe that what I wanted to do has a purpose, my work is important, and to not give up because he believes I will make a difference in the world. His belief in me, his support, and his kindness were just what I needed to keep moving forward! I am so grateful to have Rev. Moses in my life. I know his work through this ministry will help others feel the same!

  10. I met Reverend Moses ‘Kunle Sowale about 5 years ago at an outreach conference that was held at his church. He introduced me to a project he had started called the Brockton Boys and Girls Brigade. This has been and continues to be a phenomenal program for the youth of Brockton. Soon after that he asked me to get involved with the Sunday school program at his Church which I quickly accepted because of my positive experience with the Brockton Brigade. My increased exposure to the church gave me the chance to see how supportive and truly dedicated Reverend Moses is to his congregation and the community of Brockton. He has a genuine passion for helping youth and others be their best selves and I am grateful to know him.

  11. Among other things, I consider Rev Moses to be a great mentor and friend. He came into my life right in the nick of time and shown me much kindness and guidance. He’s also helped me defeat many challenges in my life, which I am grateful for. Rev. Moses has been an remarkable example of what is means to be a person of faith with a heart full with love. His commitment for his purpose is inspiring and I hope one day to become a leader like him.

  12. Rev. Moses is a great leader who is heartily dedicated to the success of all. His exceptional role model encourages me to keep sending three of my kids to his brigade program, where a team of like minded men and woman are working hard sowing godly seeds in our children. Moreover, as a leader myself, I can say that Rev. Moses’ leadership qualities are worth emulating. A big thank you to Rev. Moses and his team!

  13. My name is oso Adeola Hillary and Rev moses sowale is found of calling me Hillary my daughter .have known him since when I was a little child. About 24 years ago and up till now he has remain a mirror to me that I used to see myself every day.he has nuture me as a little child and has impact my life positively for christ. one of the things I can not forget about him is his sincerity and he is a true counsellor,a father,a mirror,an hero and a best friend.its so unfortunate that now even in d christain fold it’s very hard to see true counsellors like him again. I called him daddy. And in deed he is a father to me and he has never one day fail has being a father .even though we never knew what he was doing then was his calling and and that he was going to be a man of God. But I thank God for his life and calling and for the Voice mission today which I am part of d seed he sow many years ago. i remember those good old days when we used to go for youth camp boys and Girls brigade camp he was always there for us all not only me but I was always with him infact I was like his first child then because he is always there to help me and guide me physically and spiritually he will make sure am fine and the same he do to all.He is never partial and he doesn’t descriminate at all. He is a true child of God .Thank u daddy for being a part of my life I can not write my success in life without u. u have really sow a seed of righteousness long time ago and today I can boldly tell u that those seeds has grown into big trees and bear fruits and it will continue to grow and bear more fruits till jesu come in jesus name my prayer is on the last day God will reward u mightly in jesu name . At this junction I want to say a very big thank to his wife ,she is one of those sisters then who used to minister to us in d girls guide camp then she was so quiet,calm and just herself and up till today we are blessed with their lifestyle and teachings .mummy u are indeed a blessing to us all . I am blessed to have u and daddy I my life.may God continue to bless you ,bless ur family,bless ur ministry and bless d voice mission . Thank u .

  14. My name is Hannah Ebun’ Adeyemi. I met Rev’d Moses Sowale some few months ago. And I can say, he is someone who is interested in my growth. A patient and kind man of God who wants to see a positive end result rather than complain. There are times when I expect him to be angry, but he always has a smile on his face, sometimes he would even laugh out when we argue on something that doesn’t suit me.

    He is an examplary figure of what a christian mentor should be. Non-judgement, concerned, patient and loving, he truly cares about the flock God has placed in his hands and he works doggedly to make sure these ones are in a safe place.

    Meeting him has been a blessing sincerely, and I know it was never a coincidence. I am grateful for the gift of Rev’d Moses Sowale.

  15. There are those God trust with the broken because he has trained them to love, serve, and cover them. I only know about that because I was one of them, and Rev; Moses has been there to support and guide and even challenged me to be better through the most challenging season of my life.
    Rev. Moses, thank you for allowing God to use you as a vessel to help me become the woman that I am today. May God continue to bless you ❤️🙏🏽

  16. Those who bring sunshine to others cannot hide it from themselves. Such is Revdsowale, a distinguished personality with prodigious stamina and energy. His exemplary leadership and mentorship is highly commendable. He has been tried and tested, and certainly can be trusted. Thank you for yielding to this great call. Your labour and sacrifices will never be in vain

  17. The Voice Incorporated is an organization championed by Rev. Dr. Moses Sowale, I met Rev Moses for well over a decade now and from then it has been from one level of growth to the other, he is a Father indeed, a mentor and my super duper awesome fabulous boss, he manages the positions so well that you can not confuse one for the other, when he is a father he is an an amazing dad, who loves wholeheartedly and unconditionally, when he is mentoring, he is an an excellent mentor who never ever gives up on you, and as a boss, I am proud to tell the entire world that I have had bosses before he became my boss, but he beats them all arms down, he loves to see you become better by the day, I learnt so much from him, time management, and accountability is what I love most, Rev Moses is The Voice, The Voice is a life style that gives room to your rediscovering of purpose, reconnecting to your beginning, a place of belonging, place of expression. In another 10 years, The Voice will be a place where people will refer to as a place to be, place to find wholeness.

  18. The Voice Incorporated has been a great source of spiritual and social learning for me. Meeting Rev. Sowale was God’s providence because through that, I’ve been mentored and fathered in the ways that matter. He is a man of God with a heart for the people. Looking at how he’s managed The Voice Inc. over the years has taught me a lot about leadership.

    I’ll remain grateful to God, for the community of believers, and for the leadership of The Voice Inc. God bless!

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